
Introduction To Plant Physiology; Plant's Organs ;i.e. Root; Anatomy of Roots; its tissues and function, Plant Physiology | Semester-1, Bs Applied Biosciences

Function of the organs of the plants:

  • Roots performs the function of anchorage, roots absorb water and other nutrients from the soil, transport of the nutrients and water and the function of storage.
  • Stem provides the function of the support to the complete plant body and moreover the transport of the nutrients and the water.
  • photosynthesis which is the production of the food is performed by the leaves.


  • Roots which also called the hidden half of the plant

Function performed by roots:

  • it include Anchorage of the plant body.
  • it perform absorption of water and the other dissolved minerals.
  • storage of the surplus sugar and the starch is done by the roots.
  • roots attracts beneficial micro-organisms and different fungi that can improve plant growth.
  • roots conducts water and nutrients to the entire plants

Anatomy of roots:

Tissue of the roots:

  • Roots epidermis: it is the outer most layer of the cells, that is to protect plant from the different diseases . its function includes absorption of nutrients and water.
  • tubular extension of the epidermal cells that is called root hair. 
  • the function of the root hair is to increase the surface area of the roots to increase the absorption of the nutrients and water

Root ground Tissues:

  •  Cortex are the ground tissues in case of the roots.
  • the function of the ground tissues (which is root cortex) is to provide support and to store food like starch and sugar.
  • its example is sweet potato where food is stored in the root cortex.

Root cortex : endodermis layer of the cells.

  • cortex's inner most layer which is actually called endodermis.

Root cortex: Casparian strip

  • Casparin strips are present in the endodermis which is the inner layer of the cortex it is the water-impermeable strip which is made up of waxy material.
  • Casparin strips create a barrier to have a control over  uptake of materials into the that material have to move through the cytoplasm of the cell.

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